Study for the “Count Ugolino in prison”PIETRO BENVENUTI

Study for the “Count Ugolino in prison”

Study for the “Count Ugolino in prison” PIETRO BENVENUTI PIETRO BENVENUTI(Arezzo 1769 – Florence 1844) Study for the “Count Ugolino in prison”after 1837Oil on board, 21.9 × 15.4 inch […] This is not a preliminary study of the painting but...


Sacrifice to Jupiter PIETRO BENVENUTI (attr.) PIETRO BENVENUTI (attr)(Arezzo 1769 – Florence 1844) Sacrifice to Jupiter after Francesco Bartolozzi, after Giovan Battista Ciprianiend of the 18th centuryOil on canvas, 12.4 × 53.1 inch This interesting grisaille...
Appius Claudius with the lictorsVINCENZO CAMUCCINI

Appius Claudius with the lictors

Appius Claudius Crassus with the lictors VINCENZO CAMUCCINI VINCENZO CAMUCCINI(Rome 1771-1844) Appius Claudius with the lictorsaround 1800-1802Oil on canvas, 15.03 x 12.99 inch This painting is a quite elaborate and finished study of the figure of the decimvir Appius...
The Pool of Bethesda CODAZZI – GARGIULO

The Pool of Bethesda

The Pool of Bethesda VIVIANO CODAZZI – DOMENICO GARGIULO  VIVIANO CODAZZI(Valsassina 1603-Rome 1670) and DOMENICO GARGIULO known as MICCO SPADARO(Naples 1609-1675)   The Pool of Bethesda with Jesus healing a paralyzed man1640-1645Oil on canvas, 26.77×20.39...

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