The market in Piazza del PopoloJACOB VAN HUCHTENBURGH

The market in Piazza del Popolo

The market in Piazza del Popolo JACOB VAN HUCHTENBURGH JACOB VAN HUCHTENBURGH (o HUGHTENBURGH o HUCHTENBURG)(Haarlem 1644-Amsterdam 1675) The market in Piazza del Popoloaround 1674Oil on canvas, 41.73 x 47.52 inch The Market in Piazza del Popolo is a work by the...
Two nudes drinking at a fountain  FRANCESCO FRANCHETTI

Two nudes drinking at a fountain

Two nudes drinking at a fountain FRANCESCO FRANCHETTI FRANCESCO FRANCHETTI(Longhorn 1878- Roma 1931) Two Nudes drinking at a fountain1927Tempera on canvas, 77.5 x 58.2 inch This painting, started in 1927, is the result of a long work and it’s characterized by a...

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